Dogs and Men

I grew up around dogs always owned by individuals. Dogs I knew were always attached to an owner primarily following him or her and strongly integrated into a human family.  As dogs live much shorter lives, men generally outlive them and there is bereavement that comes at the death of an animal which is where…

Entrainment: From Homo habilis to Homo Socialis

Ever since I took my intro anthropology course in college I’ve been counting the ways humans differ from other animals. Tool making was the big issue of that time. Even then, we noticed that other animals make tools. The message was human differ from animals only in degree. Sure animals make tools but they ordinarily…


As a lover of orchestral music I’m always wanting to conduct. Loving to listen to music especially what I call big music with an orchestra as large as possible along with choral forces and soloists, music as big as it gets (don’t get me wrong I do like intimate  chamber music,  not as much) like…